Once I got home, I couldn't wait to try the products out. The cream was to be applied before bed and promised to lighten any dark spots under the arms. The lotion was to be used in the morning and promised to leave the skin smooth and soft. I applied the cream as instructed and enjoyed the light, clean scent. As promised, the lotion left my skin feeling silky and smooth.

I have to admit, my fetishistic interest in women's armpits has been growing and these products have given me a new appreciation for the beauty of this often-overlooked body part. It's amazing how just a little bit of care and attention can make a big difference - not just in how the skin looks, but in how I feel about it. I never realized how much I took my own armpits for granted until I started using these products!
I'm not sure how common the waki cream and lotion trend is in Japan, but I'm grateful for it. These products make it easy to show a little extra love to a body part that doesn't always get the attention it deserves. And in the process, they've helped me to embrace my own quirks and kinks - something I think we could all use a little more of!